Dumpster Sizes

It is our desire to accommodate the various waste removal needs of every resident of the greater Minneapolis area, which is why we have assembled the best selection of roll off dumpster rentals. Regardless of the size of your waste removal project, we have a dumpster rental that will allow you to become free of waste. Having a roll off dumpster rental that is appropriate to your specific project will maximize productivity.

Minneapolis Dumpster Rental Sizes
Size Dimensions Additional Fees Pricing
10 Yard 10 ft. (L) x 8 ft. (W) x 4 ft. (H) None. Flat Rate Please call 612-260-2902
20 Yard 22 ft. (L) x 8 ft. (W) x 4 ft. (H) None. Flat Rate Please call 612-260-2902
30 Yard 22 ft. (L) x 8 ft. (W) x 7 ft. (H) None. Flat Rate Please call 612-260-2902
40 Yard 22 ft. (L) x 8 ft. (W) x 8 ft. (H) None. Flat Rate Please call 612-260-2902

Determining your total amount of waste can be confusing because many do not account for the waste that they will inevitably create throughout the waste removal project. Minneapolis Dumpster Rental has numerous customer service representatives available at your disposal to decide which one or more of our dumpsters will help get your job done. It just take a single telephone call to have a roll off dumpster rental arrive at your desired location.

Although our roll off dumpster rentals may differ in size, there are actually a great deal of similarities between them. Every dumpster rental has a doorway to easily walk or roll in your unwanted materials. It is so simple to use our dumpster rentals the only potential problem is that it could lead to overloading.

Which Roll Off Dumpster Rental Will Most Effectively Accomplish Your Waste Removal Project?

10-Yard Dumpster Rental:  This size rental can be used to complete projects such as cleaning out your garage or the remodel of a single room in your home or business. 10 cubic yards of capacity is equivalent to 3 full loads in a pick up truck.

20-Yard Dumpster Rental:  This size dumpster is the most commonly rented container in the Minneapolis area. Our 20-yard rental is often used in combination with other dumpster rentals to become free of waste.

30-Yard Dumpster Rental:  A dumpster rental of this size can accomplish various construction projects. This rental is the exact same length as the 20-yard but differs on the height of the dumpster walls, which increases capacity.

40-Yard Dumpster Rental:  This is to be utilized for waste removal project with excessive waste such as demolition. 40 cubic yards of capacity is able to handle similar to about 13 full loads in a pick up truck.

It is very important to not overfill our dumpster rentals because it is not only unsafe but will also subject the renter to additional fees. Regardless of size, there are general guidelines to follow to not overload the rentals. If you are loading normal waste it should not exceed water level with the top of the unit. Heavy debris such as concrete cannot surpass half way up the sides of the dumpster walls. This will keep the dumpster within the weight restriction and avoid any other problems.

Minneapolis Dumpster Rental has a variety of options if you end up with more waste than available space. We can supply another roll off dumpster rental to your location. Minneapolis Dumpster Rental also provides empty and return services. Allow us to arm you with the most effective tools to become free of waste. Contact Minneapolis Dumpster Rental to get started.